CBT in the Real World
April 5, 2016 by James Pretzer
Filed under Cognitive Therapy
In the past few months I’ve seen several comments about how CBT is “constrained” by treatment protocols. Apparently, some practitioners have the impression that CBT is “cookbook” approach where the therapist takes a manualized treatment protocol and imposes it on the client without tailoring it to the client’s needs. They seem to think that if […]
Playing With Fear: Treating Phobias in Children with Autism
May 31, 2013 by Karen Levine
Filed under Psychotherapy
Here is an example of a method for treating phobias in children with Autism or other Developmental Disabilities (DDs), using the approach we developed, Replays, (e.g. Levine and Chedd, 2007), or Affective Behavioral Play Therapy (ABPT) as we call it for professional consumption. In this approach, as in traditional paradigms for treating phobias, we use […]