I have found over the many years that I have meditated that it is preferable not to alter the perception of my body with anything, including caffiene. However, that's not realistic, but a nice direction to work in. The point that I am trying to make is that most medications, no matter whether they are prescribed, part of our diet, or dietary supplements change the experience of meditation. I find it far more difficult to meditate when I can't feel in my body, which is the effect of some medication. However, it doesn't make meditation impossible, just different and requiring a different sort of focus. I would suspect that Vicodin and meditation will mix well. Let me suggest that you try meditating on all of these medications, noticing how your body feels and how your mind preceives the world on them. I think that it's better that you meditate and experience the effects of the medications on your body and your mind rather than have someone tell you how each are going to effect your mind and body. Your experience doing this will be part of the interesting process of meditation for you, and shouldn't be influenced too much by others. Enjoy.
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