If you are refering to me? I am not a biologist, I do however have a doctorate in theology and a minor in divinity. I do enjoy the various viewpoints on this forum, and I must admit they do remind me of the "Days of Noah" as a sign of the times, lukewarm Christians,,,,,,,here's a clue apostate christianity. A little advice from an honest rebuke (if it doesn't hurt your pride?) stop telling people they can die in their sins "so as a tree falls, so shall it lie" that they can still be forgiven "even it if sounds good" (tickling ears and tinkling bells), this is false hope and doctrine of baptismal regeneration in my opinion it is worse than the catholic teaching of purgatory. Ever wonder why masons use the Koran and swear oaths from an "islamic" writing from people that worship a moon-god?? You say you "found" God, you would do better to let Him find YOU!!! Mike
So Mr. Spiritual Sigmoid, I just like to round out my Christian world-view, not just put God in-a-box and limit Him to mankinds traditions and "liberal" Calvinism or Methodism, or (for JimB) a >>>deistic<<< label that Freemasons like to call their Great Architect which has nothing to do with "theism", Jesus or God the Father.
I also suppose... if the Words of God were not meant to be taken literally, then Christs' death on the cross literally means nothing, hence why you hold as truth; that even people like Hitler, Stalin, GAY Priests, terrorists' the average run of the mill "shrink" or the average redneck or simply the good "moral and ethical" man/woman can reject the only means of salvation while they are alive and expect a Holy and Just God who loved them and gave Jesus as the price for sin will over-look sin???
Another question blasphemy against the Holy Spirit? Who inspired the writing of Scipture? Figure it out Fred, you are a pretty intelligent guy, you are also a "patsy".
By the way, John Calvin was not a Mason, he abhored the society "what fellowship hath light with darkness?", he hated catholicism and by Faith he believed in a six day creation and the KJV.
John Wesley also shared the same fundamentals and faith.
So if you can humble yourself read Hebrews Chapter 11 and pay attention to verse 3, KJV if you can lower yourself to read such a miserable un-enlightened revelation of Christ.
Dig a little deeper my Brother
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