Hi To All!
Over the years I have witnessed and heard stories from friends, family, and others regarding excessive Internet usage in the workplace. I find this subject quite fascinating, because for some workers having the Internet in their office or cubicle is the equivalent of putting in a television set. I know of have personally seen employees who park in chat rooms all day, peruse the Internet for new employment; play interactive games, send and receive personal e-mail...it just goes on and on. My area of interest lies in finding out what causes people to engage in these behaviors. Stress? Boredom? I am also interested in the effects of excessive Internet usage. Absenteeism, lost productivity, less socialization with co-workers, to name but a few. A fellow student told me about a co-worker who abused the Internet and would shut off the computer several times a day if she thought her boss was nearby. Not only did this potentially damage the equipment, this student also told me that she ended up doing many of her co-worker's assignments! Although Internet abuse is not an official pathology, I believe that as more and more organizations go on-line, the effects of such abuse will become obvious. I would like to know if anyone agrees with me on this or has any information or resources to offer. Personal anecdotes are also welcome!
Thank You!
Chris Stevens, MA Candidate, I/O Psychology, California State University at Long Beach