"Green Grading" is a method of grading based on Dreikurs' ideas of marking the right answers. The use of "green" for right is to counteract the feeling many discouraged students have that their papers "bled to death" from all the red marks on the wrong answers. The term, "Green Grading," was first used in an article for the INDIVIDUAL PSYCHOLOGY REPORTER, 9-2, pp. 4-5, in 1992. I am always encouraged when I learn that someone has embraced the idea as a way to motivate children to have the courage to be imperfect, to try again, to help each other, and to feel a personal sense of achievement. I welcome any comments or suggestions from educators, or teacher educators, or parents of discouraged students, or therapists who work with any of the above. I am a therapist in private practice with Manford Sonstegard in Charleston, WV. I also teach a course in Group Counseling at the West Virginia Graduate College, 100 Angus E. Peyton Drive, South Charleston, WV 25303-1600, 800-642-9842, ext. 2044, training participants to lead parent study groups using CHILDREN: THE CHALLENGE. I was truly delighted to find this Adlerian Forum. Thank you for having the social interest to provide this service. Linda Maier