I would like to comment about these little "tricks" that educators keep coming up with. When I was a little kid, the reading class was divided up into Bird Groups. You were either a Red Bird, a Green Bird, etc. You get the picture. Of course, everyone in the class knew what the classifications meant. The only person in the class who was "fooled" was the teacher who thought we didn't know.
But, of course, all this is part of the New Nonesense of renaming everything and then thinking Reality changes. Luis Borges has a wonderful short story about a society that lived in its imagination. One of the lines from the story says it all: Thousands of years of this kind of thinking could not help but have its affect on reality. He was being ironic, of course. It's not the grade that causes the problem, in my opinion, it's how it is used. That's what students understand very quickly.
I don't know if any of this Adlerian, but it is my observation based on my experience.
Thank you.