John Pearce shared his stack of ASCAP issues with me several months ago. Russell Gardner just sent me some more.
"Across Species Comparisons and Psychopathology" is printed monthly and runs about 20 pages, handled on somebody's word processor in at the University of Texas Medical Branch, printed on two sides of the 8 1/2 x 11 pages, and stapled in the corner. It even has several ads! You can get it for $35 per annum. All the back issues, starting in 1988, are available for about $150.
The thing is fun! There are letters from names I recognize, introductory articles about hot topics such as Mismatch Theory, and abstracts of relevant papers in other, more formal journals. You have to stick with it, however, and reread the material. It's a bit of a brew with a lot of ideas and fairly rapid review and distribution. If evolutionary psych (and associated clinical phenomena) is your favorite obsession, think seriously about subscribing.
Frank Carrel MD is Managing Editor, Russ Gardner MD, Editor-in-Chief. You can subscribe by sending your plastic #s or a check to Dr. Frank Carrel, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Marvin Graves Building, Room 1.103, Univ of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX 77555-0428. You can also do it by the NET at They also have a home page at