THE BRIEF THERAPY CONFERENCE by Jeffrey K. ZeIg, Ph.D., 3/17/98
The Milton H. Erickson Foundation is sponsoring The Brief Therapy Conference entitled, "Brief Therapy: Lasting Impressions," in New York City August 26-30,
Confirmed invited faculty include David Barlow, Ph.D., Laura Brown, Ph.D., Simon Budman, Ph.D., Nicholas Cummings, Ph.D., Steve de Shazer, MSSW, Albert Ellis, Ph.D., Betty Alice Erickson, M.S., LPC, Richard Fisch, M.D., Stephen Gilligan, Ph.D., Mary Goulding, MSW, Lynn Hoffman, M.S.W., Michael Hoyt, Ph.D., Robert Langs, M.D., Stephen Lankton, MSW, Joseph LoPiccolo, Ph.D., Camillo Loriedo, M.D., Michael Mahoney, Ph.D., William Matthews, Jr., Ph.D., Leigh McCullough, Ph.D., Monica McGoldrick, M.S.W., Scott Miller, Ph.D., John Norcross, Ph.D., Maureen O'Hara, Ph.D., Peggy Papp, ACSW, James Prochaska, Ph.D., Ernest Rossi, Ph.D., Michael Yapko, Ph.D., and Jeffrey K. Zeig, Ph.D. Keynote speakers include Aaron Beck, M.D., Helen Fisher, Ph.D., Arnold Lazarus, Ph.D., and Frank Sulloway, Ph.D. Accepted papers also will be presented.
The seminar is open to professionals in health-related fields including physicians, doctoral-level psychologists and dentists who are qualified for membership in, or are members of, their respective professional organizations (e.g., AMA, APA, ADA). It also is open to professionals with mental health degrees (e.g., MSW, MS, MA, MSN) from accredited institutions. Applications from full-time graduate students in accredited programs in the above fields will be accepted if they supply a letter from their department certifying their student status.
For information and a complete brochure contact:
The Milton H. Erickson Foundation
3606 N. 24th Street
Phoenix, AZ 85016 USA
Tel: (602) 956-6196
Fax: (602) 956-0519