Here in Scotland we are faced with a very volatile situation. With a Scottish parliament coming in May, self-interest groups are now lobbying harder than ever. Psychotherapy and counselling are not regulated here by statute but professional organisations such as UKCP, BAC/UKRC, COSCA are promoting accreditation and registration schemes which are fast becoming de facto standards. However, unlike the 'common factors' discussed in 'Escape from Babel' etc, the criteria applied are all quite unsubstantiated! Psychotherapy's credibility is being continually (and perhaps fatally) eroded by ignoring the research evidence. The implications of the common factors are enormous, for: training courses; clients; practitioners; employers; and funders, etc. Some of us here in Scotland are now basing our practice and training around the common factors, but we are minnows in a pond full of some very big fish, including sharks! ISTC's website at is just the sort of added support we need. I hope this forum can also raise the profile of the common factors and help SFBT develop too. With best wishes, Douglas McFadzean