No don't help him trick himself about this truth. People seem best built to use the god-given mechanisms of grief to deal with loss. They often use anger to deal with being expected by others (such as parents, cons, or manipulators, etc.) to save someone they aren't in control of (such as siblings, parents, televangelists, starving children on Mars, etc.). The person comes to own the responsibility they choose and cast off that which was forced on to them (and previously accepted by them). They learn that their self worth does not come from accepting the expectations that they save someone else. They learn that other people have choice too and may use it. They learn that they can be angry and sad at others. As a therapist I want to use hypnosis, or whatever technique, to help the client get in line with "nature's way" or healing and growing and changing and not anything else. Certainly, I would not accept a contract to assist him with his denial in the name of helping him grow and mature. You should not do so either if you are a profressional clinician.