My son will be 11 in December. He has never been diagnosed with ADD and is also very bright. He has had straight A's twice and is also in 5th grade. Last year he was considered for the GATE program at school. He also has had very few dry nights. He tried the DDAVP about 2 years ago. It worked for awhile and then stopped. The doctor increased the dose it worked for awhile and quit. His doctor put him on Tofranil and for the last couple of nights it has worked. My nephew who is 16 has been on it for 4 years and has never wet again. He is also extremely bright, taking college courses right now in 11th grade. My son does daydream a lot and seems to be a loner. Hoping the Tofranil continues to work because he is starting to go on Boy Scout camp-outs and I don't want him to suffer any more embarassment than he already has. Hope you find help too.
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