I am a school psychologist in Texas-This is a long reply to: What is an IEP (Individual Education Plan)?
a map to your child's future
a written document of jointly made decisions made by parents and school personnel
a commitment of resources necessary to enable your child to receive a free (without cost to the parents) Appropriate (an individualized program designed by a multidisciplinary team (including parents) and defined in an IEP that follows guidelines of the law) Public Law (FAPE)
a management tool used to ensure that your child is provided special education and related services appropriate to your child's special learning needs
a monitoring document for parents, school personnel and government agencies to determine compliance
an evaluation device to determine extent of progress toward projected outcomes
Current Level of Performance
This says how your child is presently performing in specific areas. This present level statement is a joint determination of abilities seen at home and school
The current level of performance will determine goals, short-term objectives (STO) and services.
Example, non -academic: Tom participates in a social skills group. He has shown much growth in sharing emotions. He is still having difficulty with self-perception, accepting criticism, name-calling, empathy, literalness, peer pressure, reciprocity of friendship, interpreting and expressing own emotions, and difficulty with appropriate eye contact.
Academic: Tom has demonstrated success with various accommodations made by his aide. Tom requires visual and concrete cues and accommodations to be successful in the regular classroom.
Annual Goal or Long-Term Goals-
A statement which describes what your child can reasonably accomplish within a 12 month period. There should be a direct relationship between the present level, goal and objectives.
Example, nonacademic:
Tom will interact appropriately with peers and adults in everyday living skills, and generalize to all settings.
Academic: Tom will achieve in all sixth grade academic areas through supported integration.
Short-term Objectives - are measurable, intermediate steps taken to reach the long term goal.
Example, nonacademic:
Tom will improve skills of spontaneous social content such as hallways and playground encounters meeting new people through structure and re-direction by an adult and structured peer modeling
Tom will demonstrate mastery of skills through various means i.e.: one word or short written answers, graph paper, grids, reduced and adapted assignments, etc.