The following was posted earlier today on the Paleopsych listserve. JB
Message text written by INTERNET:fentress@IS.Dal.Ca
> >I have never before heard it suggested that models of archetypes are themselves archetypal....! So, that either > makes the concept more valuable, or wipes it out totally! Cute.<
> Bishop Barkley? an old problem for us. I suspect that we sort things according to our evolved hardware (Kant?) and that such hardware would not have its present form if it were not adaptive. So ... we are a part of where we exist.>
>Eventually we discovered ultraviolet and infrared even though we don't sense them visually. Perhaps because we have discovered how to extend our sensory apparatus just as we extended our motor systems. The self-selected nature of our data and our tools remains a problem, however, but a more subtle one. The "ancestors in our head" take many emergent forms such as your automobile and lap top computer.>
Jim Brody
I like these thoughts, Jim. j.