The following by Dr. Walker was originally posted on the Applied Ethology Listserve, 11/12/98
"Hello Big-Boy" she hissed.
I guess I was dozing.
"Hmm! I guess you notice me?" she purred.
Damn! I was getting a lateral Amgydalan glow.
She would see my rising panic.
And why not?
I could see the cold fire in her medial frontal lobes and the cool absence of emotion anywhere in the limbic gyrus.
This woman was a predator!
I had to get out.
Never mind blowing my monthly fMRI allotment.
My screen was alight with danger!
I wasn't going to mingle with this babe!
Before she could reach the trigger of my inline P.E.T. pulsimeter I was headed for the night and an ancient Bar where you could look into someone's' eyes and lie the night away.....