This forum will be better off if we support one another in these topics. I salute you for your contribution.
This topic is important for all new consultants, and we were all new at one time. The recipe for success is not easy, for your talents, skills, and experience will lead each of us in our own unique way. Many successful consultants tutor under other more experienced, successful consultants first. This is to learn the "ropes" and to develop the skills that are most relevant in real-life consulting. These include finding your niche, marketing, and learning to service your client. This is a formula for success.
If you do not have the opportunity for this apprenticeship, then you must believe in yourself and trust the spirit that lead you to this transition. If you have confidence, skill, luck, and work hard you can succeed.
More specific skills can be contributed, but I say, "Go for it!"
L. John Mason, Ph.D. Stress Education Center