I know that the SCL-90R, developed by Leonard Derogatis, is copyrighted and the license is held by NCS Assessments who purchased it from Clinical Psychometrics, Inc., Derogatis' company several years ago. However, the "SCL-90" has fallen into the public domain IN MY OPINION. It is widely used without permission, the results published and the instruments' use described, and I don't know of anyone who has ever been contacted and asked to cease and desist from infringing on the copyright. I believe that is because it was essentially abandoned by Derogatis who went on to commercialize the SCL-90R instead. If NCS Assessment believes it OWNS the copyright license for the SCL-90, then let's hear them state that publicly. Otherwise, I wonder if Dr. Kirsten or her sources, Drs. Sederer and Dickey are mistaken. It would be good to have this clarified. I ordered their book to check this out further. Thanks for the tip.