I am happy to share some to the elements of the outcomes project here in Western Mass. The flagging system, or tracking system, as it is known at ServiceNet., is coordinated between myself, the Division Director, and a staff who is the official "tracking manager". Our premise was to develop all elements from within the program's existing resources: apart from my services as project consultant, no new hires occurred. The process of outcomes project development helped to identify staffers who had specialized skills and interest associated with the work of the project. A Leadership Committe was formed that exists of staffers from both the direct care and Program Director groups.
The tracking coordinator is a program director who has special knowlege with computers and the Access Data base software. however, this is not totally necessary, though it sure does help. He and I work pretty closely, along with the Division Director, who has an enormous interest in this project (and is responsible for setting it in motion). I set up the initial "tracking log". ( I can send you a copy if you are interested - since no names are on mine). The trackiing coordinator assigns the id number, enters the date of the assessment, makes special notes (such as if the client declined participation in the project) and enters the dates for the next three assessments at the six month intervals. then, as the date comes up, he "tickles" the rater responsible for the interval assessment, sends the forms, reviews the returned assessments for accuracy, and sends them to me with only the id. I never see client names. I am responsible for entry and analysis, and all report writing.
There is a mix of assessment format in this client assessment. we developed a baseline assessment, created some unique outcome measures pertinent to the program's clinical regime and expectations (e.g. money management; activities of daily living; employment status; social networks, hospital recidivism, etc); clients complete three self assessments using the BASIS 32; SF-12;and the Client Satisfaction Questionnaire. we also do the GAFS - and have ongoing training on it using the material available from Endicott and Spitzer to assure inter-rater reliability.
Staff, who participated in the design, are very invested in this project, and i am careful to feed back data analysis as it is available.
I am happy to share more.