Re: yours of 9/96. I have just joined this forum. My specialy is measurement of clinical outcomes, particularly with community services for psychiatrically disabled adults (in publicly funded services). I have been consulting to an agency in western Massachusetts (Brewster land), as they develop an outcomes program for the program's adult residential service. After a series of focus groups and canvassing of attitudes and perceptions about the treatment held by both staff and clients,we developed in which a fairly comprehensive residential assessment package. It includes measures of the unique domains relevant to that service, as well as several standard measures that are identified in the literature as adequate in mental health outcomes studies. I strongly suggest reading: Outcomes Assessment in Clinical Practice, by Sederer and Dickey (Williams and Wilkins, 1996). It is an absolute must in terms of gaining a point of departure in outcomes program conceptualization. We are in the process of collecting the baseline data for al old and newly admitted client now. repeated intervals of observations occur each six month. FOLLOW-UP post treatment is absulutely critical in terms of establishing data on the extent to which outcome gains are retained following the course of curriculum in the community program. further, measures of ancillary services and social networks, as well as job status, are all elements that need to be studied. Confidentiality must be assured, which should be developed in the client participation contract. absent sign-off of client participation, clients should not be part of any study. maintain participation contracts in client permanent files. should you wish further information, be in touch with me at my e-mail: good luck with your work.