"I personally don't think any civilization was ever DESIGNED to accom(m)odate human nature, aside from the fact that, having been built by humans it must by default "accom(m)odate" humans, although not necessarily well."
Once more, I suggest you read and understand "The Extended Phenotype."
"Beyond that, we do see some design features imposed upon most of us by the wealthy elite as part of their exploitation. Likewise, it is by no means hyper-empathy to abhor a system that produces a few hyper winners and lots of losers."
You're discussing Buddhism? Or Mao? Or any hive that results from too many people and too few resources.
"Even if it were not morally repugnant, it would be logically undesirable, due to the waste of talent among the disadvantaged and the bad decisions made by inept people thrust into power via family ties or sheer wealth."
Level the field and primates will build a new hierarchy, run by highly verbal, high activity, oppositional people who will often align themselves with supernaturals, claim special, secret knowledge, adopt an obscure vocabulary and claim transcendent Truth. You find such in any religion, any academy, and on any list_serve. Some of those people create new hierarchies by leveling existing ones. An old strategy, often called "opportunistic infections" in these modern days.
"As for the Ghandis & the Rachel Carsons of the world, there are indeed those individuals who buck the trend and scarifice (interesting pun) part of themselves for the greater good"
Oddly, I'm in that group by spirit and intent but you don't recognize me. Please stop whining about the outcomes of "human nature" and join some of us in resisting that nature that burns the planet as it now does so blindly. Otherwise, you also become an opportunistic infection.