I live in Fl. There is no lic., per se, that you can hold for hypnosis practise. However, if you are lic. to do clinical work under chapter 490 or 491 (Dept. of Prof. Regulation: for Psy, CSW, MFT, or LMHC), you must acquire a certain amount of training approved by the state and have practiced 'x' number of years. At that time you can say you meet the requirements of "qualified practitioner of hypnosis" in fl. You do not get a certificate for that, but you must meet that standard. However, if you do clinical work with hypnosis and are, say, sued but DO NOT have that qualification met, you would be in violation of the state regs. And also, of course, your malpractice insurance would not have to stand by you and help you (and probably wouldn't). Until it becomes a practise act law, you will not actually get thrown in jail for practising, however. I hope that clears it up.