It is my belief that it is not so much "unnatural" as it is unique to the human species. It has been observed that some animals display pseudo-homosexual acts (such as the greeting of two hyenas) but true homosexuality (mental/emotional) is something that comes primarily from the advanced brain of the human, a brain capable of handling concepts such as love and companionship. Before one judges homosexuals, one must think, what makes us heterosexual or homosexual? Through observation and contact with people of a variety of sexual orientation, it seems that, as humans, we are biologically and socially programmed, to be predominantly heterosexual (most certainly this is based in any species' need to assure reproduction.) But just the fact that there is a signifigant number of homosexuals, one must believe that homosexuality is also a part of every human. It certainly seems that humans are predominately heterosexual out of natural interest of the species, but also possess a latent homosexual side. Research shows that even self-proclaimed heterosexual people often fantacize about homosexual acts, or even have experienced such encounters at least once in their life. It is obvious that there is no such thing as true hetero- or homosexuals, the human sexual preference exists on within a range. We are all neither heterosexual or homosexual, humans are just sexual!
-Brian Hart