I remember Mrs. Sabatini who lived across the street from me in the Bronx when I was a child. She was very wise and altruistic, She was erudite, often quoting Aldous Huxley who in "Ends and Means" discussed how the means determined the ends. Unfortunately, it was difficult to engage her because she was always off doing good deeds. Fortunately in my apartment building we had Mrs. Schwartz, who regularly played Mahjongg with Mrs. Sabatini, and regularly quoted the wisdom of Mrs. Sabatini, although it was filtered through Mrs. Schwartz.
One day in the lobby of our building a young Turk was espousing how outcome is everything. I believe he blithely invoked a published quote, "Sometimes the best therapy is done by Mr. Smith and Mr. Wesson."
Mrs. Schwartz took him to task. She softly drawled, "It is just like Mrs. Sabatini said..." Suddenly we all took note. She had invoked the magic words, "Mrs. Sabatini." "It is just like Mrs. Sabatini said," she repeated. "Human beings are characterized by an incredible capacity to justify their own absurd posture. Corollary One: They learned it from those who justify in the name of God, Mother and Country, in which every atrocity know to man has been justified. Corollary Two: They learned it from attorneys who also have justified every atrocity know to humanity. Corollary Three: They learned it from therapists who have justified and explained every action know to humanity. Corollary Four: If you want to know about objective morals, read Viktor Frankl."