Maryann K. Schumm writes:
I was glad to
see that there are hypnotherapist that focus on the present and problem resolution. Having worked in
mental health for over 25 years I am convienced that we (therapist and clients) benefit from focusing
on this life and the contribution we make or don't rather than wondering about a past life. As a
therapist I believe I would cheap my clients by denying them the opportunity to grow emotionally
and spiritually using events during their life time. When irresponsible behavior is displaced upon an
event in a "past life" maturation fails to take place. Mature adults can accept responsibility for their
actions and learn from their mistakes and weakness. They can also recognize their strengths and
expand upon them.
Different approaches work for different people at different times. The Law of Requisite Variety comes into play here... The system (or therapist) with the most choices is the most successful.
While I do not use PLR with my own clients, I have seen it used effectively (on clients who sought that approach) by Dr. Roger Woolger. Seriously, I wouldn't rule out any approach as being effective... You just may not have encountered those specific circumstances yet.
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