Thanks for signing up for our session. I am bringing one of my partners, Sylvia James, from Houston, to help us learn together. As to the format of the week, we will be gathering data from you who are there with us, both before we all get there (if we know who you are) and after we arrive, and we will build the learning agenda based on people's yearnings to know.
So, how about if we start with you? What experiences have you had with large-scale change? What have you learned from Future Search that caused you to develop your own model? How do you define "systems thinking" and where did you first start thinking about it in your own life and work? What caused you to sign up for the session? What do you need to get out of it that will make it worthwhile to you (besides the sun and sand)?
How about being the first to give us some data? You don't have to answer all the questions, of course. It's not intended as a questionnaire -- just a start to articulating your own yearnings.
I look forward to hearing from you, if I do -- and I especially look forward to meeting you. If you have not read the Bunker/Albin book called Large Group Interventions, by Barrett-Koehler, you might enjoy reading it before you come. I love it -- it reads like a novel and the part that talks about my work is very true, so I assume the rest is also! Sincerely, Kathie