Thanks for noticing this spot and for writing. I know that you and your grooup know a whole lot that I yearn to learn about. I have this kindergarten level of knowledge about the 5 Elements and what they mean to me and my work...just enough knowledge to be dangerous, my father would have said. But I have a lifetime of knowledge about living and my body and OD...and I know enough to know I want to know more. Thanks for the references...I'll follow them.
And in the meantime, tell me more about your group and the work you're doing. Where are you?
I'm in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and have a virtual company, Dannemiller Tyson, that supports and nurtures me physically and intellectually. We are connected around one-brain, one-heart with different "hands and feet" which means that we live what we believe and work with different clients in our own particular area of the world. We work very hard, by the way, at staying one-brain, one-heart -- and one of the ways we do it is that we teach a skills course on our processes about 4 times a year, and we teach if as a whole. In other words, all of us (13) come to each course as participant resources and become real members of the larger learning community.
I personally believe that this community causes us to live a systems view of consulting. But we are just learning. AND this may be a lot more than you wanted to's simply what got set off in me when I read your message. If anyone out there should want to know more about how to create a virtual consulting group, just ask. I love to talk about it -- and I'm clear that we really don't know anything yet. The usual Zen dilemma: we know a lot and we don't really know anything. But ask, and I let it all out!
Sincerely, Kathie (otherwise known by my partners as "the old broad"