I have had 4 successful sessions of EMDR for date rape at the age of 14 ~ I am now 36. The date rape continued for a year because I was very weak and under his control. He was very obsessive with me and controlled my every minute. This was always in the back of my mind, but came out very vividly when my own daughter was 14. We were also having a pool built in my backyard this year, at the exact time of year that I was having a pool put in my backyard when the date rapes started at 14. Did that make sense? Anyway, the rapes started haunting me and causing lots of stress, anxiety and depression. My daughter was already going to a psycologist for bipolar disorder, so I decided to see her as well. When I told her about this, she said that she could help me with EMDR. I was scared to try it, especially since she told me that I may have some repressed memories come out ~ I really didn't want that to happen. She said that sometimes, you have to throw up to feel better. If I had new memories, she said she would be there to help me through it and release the memories. It took 4 sessions ~ but I'm so much better now. I feel great! The second session didn't go very well because I was dealing with some other issues, but I still managed to get something out of it. One thing that I had done forever was take very hot showers. They were so hot that my hubby would call me "pinky". After the second sesson, I remembered that after the first rape, I took a scalding hot shower to get the filth off of me ~ and that's the way it was ever since. In fact I loved my hot showers, but after that session, I couldn't scald myself pink anymore ~ even if I wanted to. I thought that was very interesting. Anyway, I'm still going to therapy and it has helped me so much! I do believe that there is some more sexual abuse that I have suppressed, and it's too long of a story and doesn't relate to that boyfriend. From what I've heard about EMDR, it is excellent for wrecks and phobias. I have had several bad wrecks as well, and I would love to give EMDR a try for that ~ one thing at a time for me though. I can still hear the metal squeeling from my last bad wreck which was 8 yrs ago. Like Dr. Paulson said, I think therapy first and then EMDR if she's comfortable with it. Maybe hypnosis first so she can remember something so she could do EMDR. From what I've learned, you have to focus on the problem,or something regarding the problem. If you don't know what the problem is ~ how can you focus on it? But I'm just a normal person, not a doc. I hope you find the help you need. My hubby and I have also been to therapy and it has helped us so much ~ cognitive therapy. It's very important to like the therapist a lot!!!!
Good Luck!
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