April ~ I just completed 4 successful sessions of EMDR for rape. All of the images that were trapped in my mind, and caused great anxiety and pain, are now gone. If they come into my mind for just a second, because I'm reminded of the rapes(they lasted for a year ~ date rape ~ I was 14 at the time and now I'm 36), they just go right back out of my head without any pain. It's amazing! I also felt like I couldn't go through all of the pain I thought I would go through with EMDR, but it was all OK. My doctor said that sometimes you have to throw up so that you can feel better. Plus, if you really trust your doc, than she or he can help you through the rough spots. Some things that I didn't even remember came up after the EMDR. Your brain is still processing the EMDR even after you leave. When those memories that had been suppressed came up, they were kind of painful, but we worked on it in the very next EMDR session and the memories faded. They didn't just go away, they all faded and stopped causing me so much pain. It is really worth it in the long run. It did take me 4 sessions because my brain was stuck, but it can take as little as one or two sessions. Don't give up though, go as many times as it takes to get through the pain and good luck! You can do it for the good of yourself and your family. You deserve the best!! Mandi
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