Hi I have been using EMDR along with Hypnosis for the past two years. I am married with 2 children. Have a history of sexual assaut by a neightbor, and emotional neglect and abuse by my parents. At an early age I saw a young friend get killed by a car hitting him. My Marriage is suffering and I think I am at the point of just giving up on it. My husband can not seem to be supportive of my attempts to heel. Our sexual relatinship is void. I work in a helping profession and I am frustrated there by the limitations of my supervisor as well as other problem I have with her and another co-worker. I really want to quite my job, but I can't because the money and insurance is needed. (another porblem with my husband) I know EMDR has been helpful for me in the past in dealing with the assault and the death of my friend. Can this resource installation help me move faster along the issues of selfestem. Can personal emotional growth take place in a hostile, unsupportive and unloving envoirment. I have two young children and divorce is not an option at this time. How can I get my husband to understand that my healing can only help our relationship. He has been in therapy in the past, (in fact with this same therapist) So I don't understand his resentment of my attempts to heal. I am also concerned about my relationship with my daughter. I can see myself pushing her away. This hurts me but I can't help this sometimes. CAN EMDR be more focoused on issues such as these deep core issues? And How? Thanks Jenniifer
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