Thank you for your reply. Yes my therapist screened for DID. He said that I wasn't DID, however I disociate at times. Everyone does sometimes.
He also told me that it would take 90 minutes roughly during some sessions. We take as long as needed.
Last Wed. is when we did the safe place work. For some reason, I really trust him. Last Wednesday was the 3rd time I've seen him. His office is wonderful. Fish tank with pretty fish. Huge window I can look out. Comfortable couch. He seems to understand and is so calm. I'm looking forward to EMDR, but I guess it's normal to get scared. I was also alittle apprehensive about safe place because I have never been under hypnosis. I'm hooked on it now. He gave me a cd to listen to until next session. I can become more relaxed throughout the day. I told my fiance this evening that I was scared because I want to know what exactly what is going to happen to me. Every person is different and I want to know in advance that I'm going to be alright. I don't want to go over the edge again. I was hospitalized 4 times in 2 years for suicide ideation or suicidal attempts. My therapist said the was hopeful this will work for me. I hope so, I'm desparate for help. I want to be a whole person.
Didn't mean to ramble on so.
Thanks again for your input.
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