I only used the hand movement and told the patient what I wanted him to do - which was look to his left. He was able to follow me after about 25 repetitions of the hand movements. The first response was that he was able to look at his wife who was standing in front of him at the foot of the bed. He was able to focus in the midline. After that he drifted back to the right gaze (his eyes were to the right and upward with his head turned to the right). I repeated the same instruction and hand movement as I had originally done and asked him to look at his children's pictures on the wall (which was to his extreme left). First he looked at his wife and then he looked at the pictures. He drifted back after that to his original posture.We had tried a host of other techniques prior to this without success.
This is why the neurological aspect of the basis for EMDR is of interest for me. I have gone back and read other messages which are also looking at the neurological aspects of EMDR.
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