This forum is not an appropriate place for specific case consultation, diagnosis or treatment recommendations - that must be done by a licensed mental health professional, and the EMDR part evaluated by someone trained in EMDR (Level I and Level II) and conversant with the necessary preparatory steps for EMDR. I'll make a few general comments about that. EMDR can cause older experiences/memories and/or emotional and physical states to be triggered and brought into prominence. It is because of that possibility that there is a need for careful screening (for trauma history among other things) and preparation of clients (including among other things the ability to use self relaxation procedures to contain strong emotions) that is all part of the training. What I WILL say to you specifically is please talk to your therapist about exactly what you are experiencing. Your therapist should know what I am referring to above by "screening" and "containment" or should seek consultation with a certified EMDR consultant. You might wish to bring these pages -- including your own note as well as my response -- to your session to facilitate the discussion with your therapist. Discomfort after EMDR is generally very temporary and passes within a few days. To be sure, contact your therapist. Sandra Paulsen Inobe, PhD
Walnut Creek California
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