There is an author who's written many articles and the focus of his work is on birth trauma and pre birth trauma. I'll see if I can find those articles, I got them on the web.
As anecdote, I had a bright, psychologically minded EMDR client who was working in part on the feelings of sadness she was experiencing with one trauma when she connected to what she described in session as - this sadness at a preverbal level, where I don't have words to put to it. She didn't know what it meant. She later called her mother to try and figure out what it meant. Her mother was amazed, because after her birth, the mother had been in intensive care for two weeks and she never saw her newborn daughter during that time. For my client that made sense that it would have been that period of maternal seperation that was being recalled, since her mother had never told her about the incident. So this was an interesting connection for her to clarify the occassional feeling of sadness and loss that would sweep over her at times.
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