What I meant by situations that 'cannot be done or repeated' is this: At certain times my client 'anxiety-engendering situations' initiated or started by an action or behaviour of somebody else. But my client's response to that situation is the straw that broke the camel's back. Because he thinks that he responded worngly, smoething bad is going to happen to either him or someone else in his family. My client has a superstition problem of numbers. He considers certain numbers as negative. If these numbers appear in any cercumistances, he thinks, it is a sign of bad luck or negativity and he will be harmed in a way or another. So he thinks he needs to correct or put right these so called negative numbers. As a result, he is having a compulsive urge trying to reproduce the anxiety-provoking situation. For example, if he took a fight and he thinks the number are not right. He can not took that flight again. So that keep bothering him for a long time. Another example, if a friend invites him for dinner he will be very anxious that before he go out he had to be fully prepared for that. If he, while preparing himself to go out to that inviation, did any action associated with numbers such as calling another friend to tell him about that invitaion, take 200 dollar with him, or lock his door twice, and he thinks these numbers are not right. BUT THE IMPORTANT THING HE CAN NOT CORRECT THAT BECAUSE THE INTIATION OF THAT PARTICULAR PROBLEM WAS BY SOMEBODY ELSE. He said to me that he CANNOT ASK THAT PERSON TO DO OR REPRODUCE HIS 'ANXIETY-ENGENDERING' BEHAVIOUR AGAIN. I hope I make my self clear. However, thank you for your advice. I will use exposure in vitro.
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