The definition of self-esteem (SE)differs from one mental health professional to another. The basic idea of SE, to me, is how one views themself; however this view is usually mentioned in the literature as being too low (depressed ppl) or too high (narcissism). And there is research and literature as to "How to build your self-esteem" and "feel better" about yourself.
Personally, SE is a psychological construct that was created and could be useful, but it has faults. You end up playing the rating game with yourself and start to "value" what you have done, BUT throw that value onto yourself and say crap like "I'm a bad person for doing X, Y, Z."
I like Ellis' take on SE, one would benefit from learning to unconditionally accept yourself, regardless if you fail a test or get an A. Rate the behavior not the person. If you fail, it's because you didn't study, etc - not because you are an awful person. Get it?!
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