You raise an excellent issue, one which was raised by one of our astute colleagues at a banquet conversation at the 1996 SSTI meeting in Philadelphia---much to my (down-modulated) distress! That must mean I am too new in the psychiatric profession to have a sense of history!
I suspect I speak for many in the SSTI when I say that the need for further research to confirm the theory is a topic for ongoing discussion. I certainly feel that Tomkins' theory will be modified over time as we learn more. As Steve said, Tomkins himself includes a great many studies in his writing; there is much more to be done. We welcome dialogue with anyone with expertise (and funding) for research! It seems to me that neuroscience and affect is the best place to start.
Glad you could join us! Although I am very interested in religion, I do not believe psychotherapy theory should be simply a matter of faith!