I currently facilitate an unlisted rape survivors (incest and sexual assault) forum and conduct online counselling via email. There are several advantages of being an online member of an unlisted support group. Privacy from the voyeuristic gaze of non members creates safety. Intimacy is enhanced through many avenues, the geographical and cultural diversity of members contributes to cultivating a 'shared identity' between group members. This dynamic is particularly flexible in dealing with the unpredictable frequency of posts from members and in accomodating the entry of new members into the established group. Many members initially view the group as a stepping stone that enables them to develop the degree of self agency and confidence for future face to face encounters. Some members have indicated that online group enables them to participate when f2f venues are perceived to be too threatening. Sadly, poor literacy skills appears to hinder intimacy in our online support group - this is a definite disadvantage in comparison to f2f where expressive body language can compensate. Members quickly establish highly supportive and intense relations with the group that appears to effectively predominate over inter member personality differences. This medium also enables a good degree of personal control thereby enhancing self efficacy. We do not do 'chat'or communicate privately, members are able to reflect on what is written and take time to compose answers. Often members will want their partners to 'read' the posts in order to enhance understanding. Interestingly, the anonymity of members within this medium in conjunction with the intimate camaraderie present, renders this as being most beneficial rather than experienced as an intrusive invasion of personal privacy. Certainly the medium of cyberspace alters our conceptions of self and other by enabling one to transcend circumstancial constraints. For persons who have had their subjectivity shattered then the intimacy of cyberspace can offer a medium of 'freedom' for cultivating rich interpersonal experience, often denied in their f2f encounters.
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