I am beginning my study of the potential and the perfect use of communication on the internet. For me everything that happens in consciousness is real so there is no need to separate one reality from another, online from off, they are just different realities joined by the common denominator of consciousness, and in "our" case, human consciousness. Now we get to live in two worlds at the same time and get to practice what it will be like not to have a body. What fun! The word communication is vastly misunderstood but in the context that I use it: Communication is love, listening is love. Perfect love is perfect communication. Perfect communication leads to perfect oneness.
So oneness, love and real communication are all one and the same thing. But humans are so afraid of love and oneness and communication and avoid the depths of the vulnerability we need to realize these things. This is so true, obviously, in the real world, and though we get a jump start in cyber space, we run into the same resistance within our own inner consciousness. I think and hoope that that online relationships and interaction will serve as an instrumetn of change not only in our personal lives but in the world at large. Sorry, I am a little tired and could say so much about all of this but to close I have written a book called The Marriage of Souls and am just discovering its application for online life. But one thought I would like to leave you with is the obsession people have to relate to one other person. This closedness is dangerous both on and off line. Exclusive love hurts and the internet offers us an opportunity to open up to a whole family of beings that we love and who love us. This is my beginning vision of group consciousness on the net and later, in a few years, or a decade or two we can talk about how truely group conscious people can act out in the world to make a difference on our suffering planet.
Yours truely,
Robin Sircus
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