I apologize for the delay in this reply. I was out for a week.
It seems to me a rich and beautifull image and poem.
Although it is intrested in speak about the mind, and not intrested in speak about the necessary integration mind-body. I think this is ok for the poem!
In Gestaltherapy we know, since K. Goldstein, that we can’t avoid the necessary dinamic mind-body gestalt, and the always latent potentialities of our effective action. In this perspective not only the experimentation of our intelection, but our experimental and unsure action teachs us that the stone nature of the wall is plastic, and directly connected with this action power of us. We are body, we are hands, which are organs of motricity, but also sense organs. Excitement, concern, enthusiasm, emotions – so "mind-and-bodily" – are peculiar evidence of the situations of this necessary link between what we are and the nature of the wall. The nature of our flight, thus, is not so "blind", we have our radars and the "magic" powers of our action.