I am currently in my Fourth year of training as a Gestalt therapist at the Sherwood Psychotherapy Training Institute (SPTI). Training is integrated into a Masters degree in Psychotherapy at Derby University, UK. In the fourth year it is a requirement to produce a piece of research. I have chosen to research the human experience of confirmation. My interest has arisen out of my personal experiences in therapy, wherein my experience of being 'touched' or 'moved ', is felt to be central to my sense of healing. But what is this phenomenon? How is it different from affirmation, if indeed it is? In what way is confirmation embraced in the act of healing? What is it that is healed anyway? Perhaps, confirmation arises in 'the between’, upon the bridge that soars above our alienation? Or maybe it is a mirror in which a meeting beyond ourselves is possible? In offering this topic for discussion I wish to invite you to share your experience and your thinking on the phenomena of confirmation. Whilst I have left out references to Buber, Hycner, Freidman, Heard and others; I would welcome any references that may assist me in my literature search. To begin with we may seek to promote awareness and self support. Before increasing the invitation for contact in the between of the 'I-Thou'. A chance 'to be in meeting the other', to affirm and be confirmed. To see and be seen. To hear and be heard. I suggest that in some way this is at the heart of our entire endeavour, and no matter what the road it leads to confirmation. Mick Dunn (If you wish to reply personally; mickd@sumware.prestel.co.uk