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Gestalt Therapy (O'Neill)
Try this
by Gerhard, 9/20/98
Principles of Gestalt Family Therapy - a Gestalt-Experiential Handbook by Kempler, Walter Deseret Press 1974 Trade Paper Very Good 129 (Keywords: psychology gestalt family therapy)
The price of the book is US$ 17.50
Please reference the seller's book # 002212 when ordering.
The seller is TranceWorks
1444 Appleton St. , Long Beach, CA, U.S.A., 90802.
Ph: (562) 436-8875. Fax: (562) 436-8875. Terms of sale: We take Visa, Mastercard, personal checks, or money orders. Shipping costs are additional: $3.00 for the first book, $1.00 for every book thereafter for USPS book rate shipping. For Priority Mail, cost is $5 for the first book, $2 for each book thereafter. Foreign Surface mail is $5 per book. As for foreign Air Mail charges. Satisfaction guaranteed. All books returnable within 7 days for any reason. 20% reciprocal dealer discount on orders over $100 to listing dealers with the same listed terms