The essential problem with abstract terms is that they skirt the necessity of actually having to experience what the terms refer to. What does introjection mean relative to what is happening, at a level that the brain cannot perceive? More significantly, what is the introjection impacting? When you can answer this question, your other questions are experientially irrelevant, although they still have merit for those lacking your experiential knowledge. All these terms refer to aspects of the operations of the MIND, which is not your brain. The MIND is a subtle body simultaneously existing with your physical body, and your brain. Behaviorists "think" the MIND is the operational processes of the brain... they are wrong. That's the reason they are useless when someone like yourself is seeking understanding. If you are the least bit intuitive, you probably know more than the typical licensed clinical psychologist will ever know. All thoughts fed to the brain come from the MIND, and have as their primary goal the protection of repressed emotional misperceptions (traumata) hidden within the MIND at a vibrational level the brain cannot perceive. Regards.