The following delightful ad was changed before I could get all of it. Still, there's enough to enjoy! "Brain here ... the rest of you report in." "Stomach?" "I feel lousy. That hot stuff that that tongue likes. Taste, taste, taste, that's all he cares about." "Appendix?" "I don't feel good." (chorus) "He never feels good ... what's he do anyway?" "Cut it out!" (chorus) "We'll cut YOU out!" "Toes?" "We're gonna quit if Brain keeps buying high heeled shoes." Meanwhile the Great American People can clean Baghdad and the White House and celebrate the holidays. We have the ability to keep some systems running independently of whatever else shuts down. >Since our cultures derive from our biologies, then one might expect a clean match between the two.< We then seek (as individuals) elements in our culture, or create those elements, to satisfy the uncoordinated sections of our "natures." Hierarchies are part of nature generally. Within our culture hierarchies are everywhere ... in government, within racial groups, even in the lobby of a restaurant. It is in the interest of some to rise to the top of a minor hierarchy rather than accept a subordinate role in a larger group. The turnover keeps the pot churning and it can be fun to watch but sometimes not much fun for the participants either within or between groups. Just some early morning thoughts ... Jim
From a friend on the Paleopsych List
Not so, the bits and pieces of our biologies are not integrated with each other. The "mismatch" occurs persistently within our biological architecture for reasons that you probably know far better than I do.
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