I have a colleague in philosophy who is very interested in issues of sociopathology and what these might tell us about mind/brain. I have done a quick net search, but without satisfactory results.
There may be further relevance to people who use this site, as a full understanding of sociopathology must (my bias) take into account past evolutionary histories as these fit (misfit) into current circumstances. (Of course, mental as well as physical illness can be a breakdown of machinery, but even here the weak points in the machine can {I suspect} tell us something about evolutionary roots - and vice versa.)
How might it be that a human brain/mind can develop without normal conscience? Can one be "pathological" in one social sense, and quite normal in another? How do we define "pathology"? Are there decent data linking social "pathology" to brain? Can this tell us something interesting about normal brain/mind? And so on. I would appreciate any inputs, which I shall then pass on to my colleague.
Thanks, John