In the latest issue of the School Psyhoogy Review (vol 26. no 4, 1997) there is an excellent article by Jean Backer, et al. on the schools as a caring comminity. The authors make the case for a relational approach to school reform. While non-Adlerians, they do make the case for the cultivation of community feeling by "attending to the broader social context in which academic learning transpires."
In this review, the authors provide a definition of community, trace its historical roots (leaving Adler out :() and describing how teaching would differ in a relational school setting. They go on to describe a model program called the Child Development Project. The reference list provides the reader with additonal sources.
Henry, one of the authors citations is, " On Caring" by Milton Mayeroff. They may not be Adlerians but the movement they describe is Adlerian in tone.