One of the greatest temptations of the Web is to start offering services on-line. On-line treatment may be a bit of a stretch right now, but on-line Psychological Testing / Assessment is already present on the Web (look, for instance, at Keirsey Temperament Web Page). And it could soon reach far beyond converting questionnaires into HTML. With Java scripting it's already possible to put perofrmance-based instruments on the Web, and things like computer-game embedded assessment are just waiting to follow. The biggest question, of course, is not one of technology - but of professional standards, including ethical issues. To my mind, with such an unstoppable idea it is critical that we have a clear vision of good practice, quality standards and transpaarent lines of responsibility. I wonder if any work has been done on formulating such standards?
Eugene Aidman
Lecturer and IT Coordinator in Psychology
School of Behavioural & Social Sciences & Humanities, The University of Ballarat University Drive, Mt Helen, Vic., 3350, AUSTRALIA office phone: +61 3 53 279 771 Facsimile: +61 3 53 279 754 E-mail: