What an interesting and fulfilling journey it is! My first brief introduction to Adler, was through my brother, a clinical psychologist. He received some of his training by the early Adlerians, Dreikurs,Mozak, Schulman, Christianson. My brother recommended an Adlerian therapist to me and I became very interested in the theory and practice. At that time I was not in the position to follow through with my interest.
Later I heard of a seminar being offered by Henry Stein in SF which I attended and I became a convert. Dr. Stein was extremely well educated in Adlerian theory & practice and the caliber of his students and teaching was extraordinary. I was working in a psychoeducational day treatment program for severe emotionally disturbed adolescents at the time in 1982 and the training I was receiving from Dr. Stein, seemed relevant, applicable and most importantly to work with this special population. The caring,encouragement and cooperative aspects were what these kids needed most. There wasn't one who didn't respond in at least some small way. I put the premises of Adlerian psychology to work, saw it work and have been with AAI/SF ever since.
During my training, which is still on going, I was fortunate to be able to work with Sophia deVries. This was an extremely valuable experience. Socratic questioning is such an important/useful tool in classical Adlerian Psych. I use it both in counseling and in the classroom and it provides client and student alike with the impetus to think critically about his/her thinking/what makes them think/act the way they do. Fantastic to see the reaction when they begin to "get it" insight that is.
I am forever in the debt of Dr. Stein, because without his Adlerian training my life would certainly not be as full, rich or complete. I am still learning and the process will be life-long. A challenge, No?
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