I recently have begun treating a fourteen-year-old boy with a history of school phobia. The boy had originally come to see me as the result of violent outbursts, which have significantly decreased (presently gone) through therapy and medication. He has some obsessive behaviors. I.e. eats most meals at McDonalds (has his parents go to McDonald's twice a day-everyday.) When he awakes in the morning and begins to get ready for school, he gags. This has been going on for several years, but has resumed this week with the start of school. At the end of last school year, he was approved for special education services. He states that there is nothing he enjoys about school and is not aware of any specific thought or image that occurs when he begins to gag. The only activity this boy admits to enjoying is bowling. He is quite proud of a 168 game, which involved several strikes. This morning, in trance, I had him slow down his breathing and think about his bowling game, thinking specifically about each strike and how good he felt when the pins fell. He appeared noticeably more relaxed and smiled slightly as he was doing this. I gave him the suggestion that if he began to gag, he could slow down his breathing and think about the game. He could use this to reduce or stop the gagging, as he wished. He appeared to be less tense. As this is the first time that I have used hypnosis with a child with a school phobia, I am curious to see how it turns out. I would appreciate any comments or suggestions. Thank you.