THE COUPLES THERAPY CONFERENCE '98: SEXUALITY AND INTIMACY (With special one day programs on Alcohol and Substance Abuse, and HIV/AIDS therapy)
November 6-8, 1998 (Friday-Sunday) LAX Westin Hotel, Los Angeles, California
The annual Sexuality and Intimacy Conferences have become one of the leading vehicles for training therapists to work with couples who have problems in the areas of intimacy and sexuality. Attendees will learn practical, state-of-the-art applications, and the latest research on couple's treatment.
The November Sexuality and Intimacy Conference is a complete three-day meeting. As part of the registration fees, however, attendees can chose to attend an all-day Saturday workshop on the treatment of Alcohol and Substance Abuse and/or an all-day Sunday workshop on HIV/AIDS therapy. Each day of the conference can be attended separately. Continuing education credits are available for all segments of the Conference. The Saturday and Sunday programs qualify for required hours for California re-licensure.
The faculty for the three-day training include Ellyn Bader, Ph.D., Lonnie Barbach, Ph.D., Stephanie Covington, Ph.D., John Gottman, Ph.D., Joseph LoPiccolo, Ph.D., David Schnarch, Ph.D. and Marion Solomon, Ph.D. A special one and a half hour keynote address will be given by Harriet Lerner, Ph.D. on Friday, November 6. John Gottman, Ph.D. and David Schnarch also will offer keynotes.
The Saturday workshop on Alcohol and Substance Abuse will be presented by Claudia Black, Ph.D. The Sunday workshop on HIV/AIDS will be presented by Terry Tafoya, Ph.D.
For information and a brochure, please contact The Milton H. Erickson Foundation, 3606 N. 24th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85016-6500. Tel: 602-956-6196, Fax: 602-956-0519, e-mail: For more information about the Milton H. Erickson Foundation, see our web site