Below is a current list of our groups publications- some of the articles are available through our main office at
Bader, M.J. Helping the Patient Get Better: Psychoanalysis, Optimism, and Social Change. Tikkun, 1994, 9(3), 11-14.
Bader, M.J. Shame and the Resistance to Jewish Renewal. Tikkun, 1994, 9(6), 23-26, 89-91.
Broitman, J. Insight, the mind's eye. An exploration of three patients' processes of becoming insightful. Doctoral Dissertation, Wright Institute, 1985. Dissertation Abstracts International, 46(8). University Microfilms No. 85-20425.
Brown, J. D., and Silberschatz, G. Dependency, self-criticism, and depressive attributional style. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1989, 98, 187-188.
Browne, D. Treatment of multiple personality disorder using Control-Mastery theory. Unpublished paper, 1993.
Bush, M. Reply to "Critique of a new view of unconscious guilt." Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 1989, 53(2), 129-134.
Bush, M. The role of unconscious guilt in psychopathology and psychotherapy. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 1989, 53(2), 97-107.
Coleman, J. The role of plan-compatible insight in the outcome of seven brief psychotherapies. Doctoral Dissertation, Wright Institute, 1989.
Conrad, B. Personality and psychopathology reconsidered: A quantitative/qualitative Control-Mastery psychobiography on Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. UnpublishedDoctoral Dissertation, Wright Institute, 1995.
Conrad, B. Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec: A Control-Mastery plan formulation, a quantitative psychobiography. Unpublished master's thesis, The Wright Institute, Berkeley, CA, 1992.
Curtis, J.T. CMT and the plan concept. California Psychologist, September, 1993, 14, 21, 23.
Curtis, J.T. The Control-Mastery theory of psychotherapy. California Psychologist, March 1991, p. 13.
Curtis, J.T. and Silberschatz, G. Plan formulation method. In T.D. Eells (Ed.), Handbook of Psychotherapy Case Formulation. New York: Guilford Press, in press, 1996.
Curtis, J., and Silberschatz, G. Clinical implications of research on brief psychodynamic psychotherapy I. Formulating the patient's problems and goals. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 1986, 3(1), 13-25.
Curtis, J., Silberschatz, G., Sampson, H., and Weiss J. The plan formulation method. Psychotherapy Research, 1994, 4, 197-207.
Curtis, J., Silberschatz, G., Sampson, H., Weiss, J., and Rosenberg, S. Developing reliable psychodynamic case formulations: An illustration of the plan diagnosis method. Psychotherapy, 1988, 25, 256-265.
Davilla, L. (Shields). (1992). The immediate effects of therapist's interpretations on patient's plan progressiveness. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, California School of Professional Psychology.
Dulay, J. L. Beliefs about harm to others and progress in psychotherapy. Master's Thesis, University of California, Berkeley, 1987.
Edelstein, S. (1992.) Insight and psychotherapy outcome. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Wright Institute Graduate School of Psychology.
Engel, L. and Ferguson, T. Crimes Imagin rios: Porque nos punimos e como interromper esse processo. Livraria Nobel, S.A., 1992.
Engel, L. and Ferguson, T. Schuldgef hle. Kruez Verlag, Zurich, 1992.
Engel L. and Ferguson, T. Nos crimes imaginaires. Le Jour/Sogides, Montreal, 1991.
Engel, L. and Ferguson, T. Imaginary Crimes: Why You Punish Yourself and How to Stop. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin, 1990.
Engel, L. and Ferguson, T. Hidden Guilt. 1991. (paperback version of Imaginary Crimes)
Folsom, H. Family therapy. Unpublished paper, 1993.
Foreman, S.A. The significance of turning passive into active in Control Mastery theory. The Journal of Psychotherapy Practice and Research, 5:106-121, 1996.
Foreman, S.A. The difficult couple. In Hilda Kessler (Ed.), Treating Couples, Jossey-Bass: San Francisco, 165-188, 1996.
Foreman, S.A. The theory, research and clinical application of the work of the San Francisco Psychotherapy Research Group. In B. Boothe, R. Hirsig, A. Hilminger, B. Meier & R. Volkart (Eds.), Perception, Evaluation, Interpretation. Swiss monographs in Psychology, Vol. 3. Lewiston, NY: Hogrefe & Huber, 1994.
Foreman, S.A. Control Mastery Theory and Child Psychotherapy. The California Psychologist, 26(4):14-23, September, 1993.
Foreman, S.A. and Berry, J. Progressiveness scale for children. Submitted, 1995.
Foreman, S.A., Gibbins, J.D. & Berry, J. Assessing the efficacy of therapist interventions in child psychotherapy. Submitted, 1995.
Foreman, S. and Marmar, C. Therapist actions which address initially poor therapeutic alliances in psychotherapy. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1985, 148(8), 922-926.
Fretter, P. A Control-Mastery case formulation of a successful treatment for major depression. In Session: Psychotherapy in Practice, 1995, 1(2):3-17.
Fretter, P. The immediate effects of transference interpretations on patients' progress in brief, psychodynamic psychotherapy. Doctoral Dissertation, University of San Francisco, 1984. Dissertation Abstracts International, 46(6). University Microfilms No. 85-12112.
Fretter P., Bucci, W., Broitman, J., Silberschatz, G., & Curtis, J. How the patient's plan relates to the concept of transference. Psychotherapy Research, 1994, 4(1), 58-72.
Friedman, M. Survivor guilt in the pathogenesis of anorexia nervosa. Psychiatry, February 1985, 48, 25-39.
Friedman, M. Toward a reconceptualization of guilt. Contemporary Psychoanalysis, October 1985, 21(4), 501-547.
Gassner, S. The implications of "control-mastery theory" for supervision. Current Issues in Psychoanalytic Practice: Monographs of the Society of Psychoanalytic Training, pp. 138-140. New York: Brunner/Mazel, Inc., 1990.
Gassner, S. and Bush, M. A description and clinical research application of the control-mastery theory. Clinical Social Work Journal, Fall 1988, 16(3), 231-242.
Gassner, S., Sampson, H., Weiss, J., and Brumer, S. The emergence of warded-off contents. Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Thought, 1982, 5(1), 55-75.
Grienenberger, J.F. and Foreman, S.A. The effect of therapist interventions on the therapeutic alliance in child psychotherapy. Submitted for publication, 1996.
Gootnick, I. The problem of treating an intensely suffering patient: To gratify or frustrate. Psychoanalytic Review, Winter 1982-1983, 69(4), 487-496.
Grebel, J. Manifestations of insight in brief psychotherapy. Doctoral Dissertation, Pacific Graduate School of Psychology, 1992.
Haas, S. B. Emotional change in psychotherapy: Are interpretations more effective when in the context of patients testing pathogenic beliefs? Doctoral dissertation, The Wright Institute, Berkeley, 1994.
Hamer, F. M. The therapeutic alliance and the process of psychotherapy. Doctoral Dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, 1987.
Horowitz, L. M., Inouye, D., and Siegelman, E. Y. On averaging judges' ratings to increase their correlation with an external criterion. J. Consulting & Clin. Psychol., 1979, 47(3), 453-458.
Horowitz, L. M., Sampson, H., Siegelman, E. Y., Weiss, J., and Goodfriend, S. Cohesive and dispersal behaviors: Two classes of concomitant change in psychotherapy. J. Consulting & Clin. Psychol., 1978, 46, 556-564.
Horowitz, L. M., Sampson, H., Siegelman, E. Y., Wolfson, A. W., and Weiss, J. On the identification of warded-off mental contents. J. Abnormal Psychology, 1975, 84, 545-558.
Kale, C. The therapist's effect on patient progress in brief psychodynamic psychotherapy, Doctoral dissertation, Pacific Graduate School, 1986. Dissertation Abstracts International, 47(9). University Microfilms No. 86- 23649.
Kelly, T. Do therapist's interventions matter? Doctoral Dissertation, New York University, 1989.
Linsner, J. P. Therapeutically effective and ineffective insight: The immediate effects of therapist behavior on a patient's insight during short-term dynamic therapy. Doctoral Dissertation, The City University of New York, 1987.
Luborsky, L., Barber, J.P., Binder, J., Curtis, J.T., Dahl, H., Horowitz, L., Horowitz, M. Perry, J.C., Schact, T., Silberschatz, G. & Teller, V. Transference-related measures: A new class based on psychotherapy sessions. In N.E. Miller, L. Luborsky, J.P. Barber & J.P. Docherty (Eds)., Psychodynamic Treatment Research: A Handbook for Clinical Practice (pp. 326-341). New York: Basic Books, 1993..
Meyers, T.E. The Immediate Effects of Accurate Interpretations on Patient Affects in Brief Psychodynamic Psychotherapy. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, The Professional School of Psychology, San Francisco, 1993.
Migone, P. Book review-essay: "J. Weiss, H. Sampson & the Mount Zion Psychotherapy Research Group, The Psychoanalytic Process: Theory, Clinical Observation, and Empirical Research, New York: Guilford Press, 1986; J. Weiss, "Unconscious mental functioning. Scientific American, 262, 3/March: 103-109; L. Engel & T. Ferguson, Imaginary Crimes: Why We Punish Ourselves and How to Stop, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1990. Psichoterapia e scienze umane, 1993, XXVII, 2: 123-129.
Migone, P. Riflessioni cliniche sul lavoro del Psychotherapy Research Group di San Francisco guidato da Weiss & Sampson. Il Ruolo Therapeutico, 1993, 62: 55-58.
Modell, A., Weiss, J., and Sampson, H. Narcissism, Masochism, and the Sense of Guilt in Relation to the Therapeutic Process. Bulletin #6, June 1983. The Psychotherapy Research Group, Department of Psychiatry, Mount Zion Hospital and Medical Center. (Based on presentations to the symposium of the same title held May 14 and 15, 1983 at Letterman General Hospital.)
Morrison, A., O'Connor, L., & Bremond, D. Changing psychology: Women and drug treatment. Presented at the National Council of Schools of Professional Psychology Meeting in Tucson, Arizona, January 30 - February 3, 1991. Proceedings of Meetings, APA.
Nathans, Shelley. Plan attainment: An individualized measure for assessing outcome in psychodynamic psychotherapy. Doctoral Dissertation, California School of Professional Psychology, Berkeley, 1988.
Nergaard, M. The effects of shame, guilt, and the negative reaction in brief dynamic psychotherapy. Doctoral Dissertation, Pacific Graduate School of Psychology, 1985. Dissertation Abstracts International, 46(7B). University Microfilms No. 85-18799.
Nergaard, M., and Silberschatz, G. The effects of shame, guilt, and the negative reaction in brief dynamic psychotherapy. Psychotherapy, 1989, 26, 330-337.
Nichols, N. Crisis intervention through early interpretation of unconscious guilt. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 1989, 53(2), 115-122.
Norville, R. Plan compatibility of interpretations and brief psychotherapy outcome. Doctoral Dissertation, Pacific Graduate School of Psychology, Palo Alto, CA, 1989. Dissertation Abstracts International, 50(12B):5888. University Microfilms Number 90-12770.
Norville, R., Sampson, H. & Weiss, J. (1996). Accurate Interpretations and Brief Psychotherapy Outcome. Psychotherapy Research, 6(1):16-29.
O'Connor, L. Control Mastery theory: Treating the addict. California Psychologist, 1993, 25(6), 24, 29-30.
O'Connor, L., Berry J., Morrison, A., Brown, S. The drug of choice phenomenon: Individual differences in drug users who preferred different drugs. International Journal of the Addictions, 1995, 30(5), 541-555.
O'Connor, L., Edelstein, S., Berry, J., & Weiss, J. The pattern of insight in brief psychotherapy: A series of pilot studies. Psychotherapy, Fall, 1994, 31(3), 533-544.
O'Connor, L, Berry, J., Inaba, D., Weiss, J., & Morrison, A. Shame, guilt and depression in men and women in recovery from addiction: An application of the test of self-conscious affect. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 1994, 11(6), 503-510.
O'Connor, L. and Weiss, J. Individual psychotherapy for addicted clients: An application of Control Mastery theory. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 1993, 25 (4), 283-291.
O'Connor, L., Berry J., Morrison, A., Brown, S. Retrospective reports of psychiatric symptoms before, during, and after drug use. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 1992, 24(1), 65-68.
O'Connor, L., Berry, J. The drug-of-choice phenomenon: Why addicts begin using their preferred drug. The Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, Fall, 1990.
Perry, C., Luborsky, L., Silberschatz, G., and Popp, C. An examination of three methods of psychodynamic formulations based on the same videotaped interview. Psychiatry, 1989, 52, 302-322.
Persons, J. B., Curtis, J. T., and Silberschatz, G. Psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioral formulations of a single case. Psychotherapy, Winter 1991, 28(4), 608-617.
Rappoport, Alan. The Structire of Psychotherapy: Control-Mastery Theoryís Diagnostic Plan Formulation. Psychotherapy, Spring 1996, 33(1), 1-10.
Rappoport, Alan. Freeing Oneself from Pathogenic Adaptations: A Contribution to Control-Mastery Theory. Psychotherapy Bulletin, Fall 1996, 31(4), 27-33.
Rappoport, Alan. Psychodynamic psychotherapy for agoraphobia. Unpublished paper. October, 1986.
Rosbrow, T. Review of Understanding Transference: The CCRT Method by Luborsky and Crits-Cristoph. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 1995, 12(4), 607-610.
Rosbrow, T. Significance of the unconscious plan for psychoanalytic theory. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 1993, 10(4), 515-532.
Rosbrow, T. Pathogenic beliefs, plans and tests in psychotherapy: Review of The Psychoanalytic Process. New Ideas in Psychology, 1990, 8(2), 265-267.
Rosenberg, S., Silberschatz, G., Curtis, J., Sampson, H., and Weiss, J. A method for establishing reliability of statements from psychodynamic case formulations. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1986, 143(11), 1454-1456.
Sampson, H. Treatment by attitudes. Process Notes (Publication of the San Francisco Psychotherapy Research Group, Fall 1994, 1(1):8-11.
Sampson, H. Repeating Pathological Relationships to Disconfirm Pathogenic Beliefs: Commentary on Steven Stern's "Needed Relationships." Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 1994, 4(3):357-61.
Sampson, H. A new psychoanalytic theory and its testing in formal research. Interface of Psychoanalysis and Psychology, J.W. Barron, M.N. Eagle, & D.L. Wolitzky (Eds.). Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, 1992, 586-604.
Sampson, H. Reply to Greenberg. Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 1992, 2(4), 539-544.
Sampson, H. The role of "real" experience in psychopathology and treatment. Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 1992, 2(4), 509-528.
Sampson, H. Experience and insight in the resolution of transferences. Contemporary Psychoanalysis, 1991, 27(2), 200-207.
Sampson, H. The problem of adaptation to reality in psychoanalytic theory. Contemporary Psychoanalysis, 1990, 26(4), 677-691.
Sampson, H. How the patient's sense of danger and safety influence the analytic process. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 1989, 7(1), 115-124.
Sampson, H. A critique of certain traditional concepts in the psychoanalytic theory of therapy. Bull. Menninger Clinic, May 1976, 40, 255-262.
Sampson, H., and Wallerstein, R. S. New research directions: Comment from a psychoanalytic perspective. In: Changing Frontiers in the Science of Psychotherapy. H. H. Strupp and E. Bergin (Eds.). New York and Chicago: Aldine-Atherton, 1972, 444-446.
Sampson, H., and Weiss, J. Research on the psychoanalytic process: An overview, 2. Bulletin #2, March 1977. The Psychotherapy Research Group, Department of Psychiatry, Mount Zion Hospital and Medical Center.
Sampson, H., and Weiss, J. Testing hypotheses: The approach of the Mount Zion Psychotherapy Research Group. In: The Psychotherapeutic Process: A Research Handbook. L. Greenberg and W. Pinsof (Eds.). New York: Guilford Press, 1986.
Sampson, H. and Weiss, J. The Mt. Zion Psychotherapy Research Group: A personal perspective. The History of Psychotherapy: A Century of Change, 1992, 12(J), 432-436.
Sampson, H., Weiss, J., and Caston, J. Research on the psychoanalytic process: An overview 1. Bulletin #1, October 1976. The Psychotherapy Research Group, Department of Psychiatry, Mount Zion Hospital and Medical Center. (Based on the presentation to The Opening Conference on Psychotherapy Research, 10/2/76, Langley Porter Institute, Psychotherapy Evaluation and Study Center.)
Sampson, H., Weiss, J., Mlodnosky, L., and Hause, E. Defense analysis and the emergence of warded-off mental contents: An empirical study. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1972, 26, 524-532.
Shilkret, R. The origins of pathogenic beliefs: Comments on the developmental aspects of Control-Mastery theory. Unpublished paper.
Shilkret, R. and Shilkret, C. How does psychotherapy work? Findings of the San Francisco Psychotherapy Research Group. Smith College Studies in Social Work, 1993, 64(1), 35-53.
Silberschatz, G. Abuse and disabuse of the drug metaphor in psychotherapy research: Hold on to the baby as you throw out the bath. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1994, 62(5), 949-951.
Silberschatz, G. Psychology's contribution to the future of psychoanalysis: A scientific attitude. In M. Meisels & E. Shapiro (Eds.), The Clark Conference on Psychoanalytic Training: Tradition and Innovation in Psychoanalysis. N. J. Erlbaum, 1990.
Silberschatz, G. The art of psychoanalysis and the psychoanalysis of art. (book review) Contemporary Psychology, 1989, 34, 392-393.
Silberschatz, G., and Curtis, J. Research on the psychodynamic process in the treatment of older persons. In N.E. Miller (Ed.), Psychodynamic Research Perspectives on Development, Psychopathology, and Treatment in Later Life. New York: International Universities Press, in press.
Silberschatz, G. and Curtis, J. Measuring the therapist's impact on the patient's therapeutic progress. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1993, 61(3), 403-411.
Silberschatz, G. and Curtis, J. Time-limited, psychodynamic psychotherapy with older adults. In W. A. Myers (Ed.), New techniques in the psychotherapy of older patients. American Psychiatric Press, 1991.
Silberschatz, G., and Curtis, J. Clinical implications of research on brief dynamic psychotherapy. II. How the therapist helps or hinders therapeutic progress. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 1986, 3(1), 27-37.
Silberschatz, G., Curtis, J., Fretter, P., and Kelly, T. Testing hypotheses of psychotherapeutic change processes. In H. Dahl, H. Kachele, & H. Thoma (Eds.), Psychoanalytic Process Research Strategies. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1988.
Silberschatz, G., Curtis, J., and Nathans, S. Using the patient's plan to assess progress in psychotherapy. Psychotherapy, 1989, 26, 40-46.
Silberschatz, G., Curtis, J., Sampson, H., and Weiss, J. Mount Zion Hospital and Medical Center: Research on the process of change in psychotherapy. In L. Beutler & M. Crago (Eds.), Psychotherapy Research: An International Review of Programmatic Studies. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, 1991, 56-64.
Silberschatz, G., Curtis, J., Sampson, H., & Weiss, J. La ricerca sul processo di cambiamento in psicoterapia: l'approccio del Gruppo di Ricerco in Psicoterapia di San Francisco. In A. Zabonati, P. Migone, G. Maschietto (Eds.), La validazione scientifica delle psicotherapie psicoanalitiche. Mestre/Venezia: IPAR, 1994, pp. 61-78 (Proceedings of the Meeting "The Scientific Validation of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapies". Venice, Italy, May 18-19, 1991.
Silberschatz, G., Fretter, P., and Curtis, J. How do interpretations influence the process of psychotherapy? Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1986, 54(5), 646-652.
Silberschatz, G. & Sampson, H. Affects in psychopathology and Psychotherapy. In J.D. Safran & J.S. Greenberg (Eds.), Emotion, Psychotherapy, and Change (pp 113-129). New York: Guilford Press, 1991.
Suffridge, D.R. Survivors of child maltreatment: Diagnostic formulation and therapeutic process. Psychotherapy, 1991, 28, 67-75.
Wallerstein, R. S., and Sampson, H. Issues in research in the psychoanalytic process. Int. J. Psa., 1971, 52, 11-50.
Weatherford, S. Unconscious guilt as a cause of sexualized relationships. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 1989, 53(2), 108-114.
Weatherford, S. Reply to "Commentary on a new view of unconscious guilt." Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 1989, 53, 143-148.
Weiss, Jos. The patientís unconscious plans for solving his problems. In Press.
Weiss, Jos. The second century of psychoanalysis. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 1995, in press.
Weiss, Jos. The role of pathogenic beliefs in psychic reality. The International Journal of Psycho-analysis, 1995, submitted for publication.
Weiss, Jos. Bernfeld's "The facts of observation in analysis:î A response from research. The Psychoanalytic Quarterly, October, 1995, 699-716.
Weiss, J. Lichtenberg's theory of therapy. Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 1995 15(4), 461-469.
Weiss, J. The analyst's task: To help the patient carry out his plan. Contemporary Psychoanalysis, 1994, 30 (2), 236-254.
Weiss, J. Empirical studies of the psychoanalytic process. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, October, 1993.
Weiss, J. How Psychotherapy Works: Process and Technique. New York: Guilford Press, 1993.
Weiss, J. The role of interpretation. Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 1992, 12(2), 296-313.
Weiss, J. Psychotherapy as the process of changing pathogenic beliefs. Harvard Mental Health Letter, 7(10); 5-6, 1991.
Weiss, J. The centrality of adaptation. Contemporary Psychoanalysis, 1990, 26(4), 660-676.
Weiss, J. Unconscious mental functioning. Scientific American, March 1990, 103-109.
Weiss, J. I processi mentali dell-incomscio. Le Scienze, 1990, 261, maggio: 68-75 (Italian translation of: Unconscious mental functioning. Scientific American, March 1990, 103-109).
Weiss, J. The nature of the patient's problems and how in psychoanalysis the individual works to solve them. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 1989, 7(1), 105-113.
Weiss, J. Testing hypotheses about unconscious mental functioning. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 1988, 69, 87-95.
Weiss, J. The emergence of new themes: A contribution to the psychoanalytic theory of therapy. Int. J. Psa., 1971, 52, 459-467.
Weiss, J. The integration of defenses. Int. J. Psa., 1967, 48, 520-524.
Weiss, J. Introduzione al lavoro del "San Francisco Psychotherapy Research Group". Psicoterapia e scienze umane, 1993, XXVII, 2: 47-65 (Italian translation of Chapter 1 of Weiss, J., Sampson, H. and The Mount Zion Psychotherapy Research Group, The Psychoanalytic Process: Theory, Clinical Observation and Empirical Research. New York: Guilford Press, 1986).
Weiss, J. A proposito del "San Francisco Psychotherapy Research Group". Psicoterapia e scienze umane, 1993, XXVII, 3: 145-147.
Weiss, J., and Sampson, H. Evidence for the concept of repression. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 1986, 34, 492-494.
Weiss, J., and Sampson, H. Testing alternative psychoanalytic explanations of the therapeutic process. In: Empirical Studies of Psychoanalytic Theories, Volume II. Joseph M. Masling (Ed.). New Jersey: The Analytic Press, 1986, 1-26.
Weiss, J., and Sampson, H. Psychotherapy research: Theory and findings. Bulletin #5, February 1982. The Psychotherapy Research Group, Department of Psychiatry, Mount Zion Hospital and Medical Center. (Based on presentations to the Mini-Series sponsored by the Post-Graduate Education Committee of the San Francisco Psychoanalytic Institute, January 19, 1982.)
Weiss, J., Sampson, H., Caston, J., Silberschatz, G., and Gassner, S. Research on the psychoanalytic process. Bulletin #3, December 1977. The Psychotherapy Research Group, Department of Psychiatry, Mount Zion Hospital and Medical Center. (Based on presentations to the 1977 Series of Seminars on October 11 and November 8, 1977, Langley Porter Institute, Psychotherapy Evaluation and Study Center.)
Weiss, J., Sampson, H., Gassner, S., and Caston, J. Further research on the psychoanalytic process. Bulletin #4, June 1980. The Psychotherapy Research Group, Department of Psychiatry, Mount Zion Hospital and Medical Center. (Based on the presentations to the George S. Klein Research Forum, held in conjunction with The American Psychoanalytic Association Spring Meeting, St. Francis Hotel, San Francisco, May 1, 1980.)
Weiss, J., Sampson, H., and The Mount Zion Psychotherapy Research Group. The Psychoanalytic Process: Theory, Clinical Observations, and Empirical Research. New York: Guilford Press, 1986.
Weiss, J., Sampson, H., and The Mount Zion Psychotherapy Research Group. A discussion of Joe Weiss's theory of the psychoanalytic process as presented in The Psychoanalytic Process: Theory, Clinical Observations, and Empirical Research. Bulletin #7, February 1986. (Based on presentations to the Fall workshops held at the San Francisco Psychoanalytic Institute on October 29, November 12, and November 26, 1985.)
Weiss, Jules (reporter). Continuing research: The modification of defenses in psychoanalysis. J. Amer. Psychoanal. Assn., 1972, 20, 177-198.
Windholz, M., and Silberschatz, G. The Vanderbilt Psychotherapy Process Scale: A replication with adult outpatients. J. Consulting & Clin. Psychol., 1988, 56, 56-60.
Wolfson, A., and Sampson, H. A comparison of process-notes and tape-recordings: Implications for therapy research. Archives of General Psychiatry, May 1976, 33, 558-563.
Zeitlin, D. Control-Mastery theory in couples therapy. Family Therapy, 1991, 18(3), 201-230.