From the book Reminiscences of Froebel (Erinnerungen an Froebel) by Baroness von Marenholtz-Buelow translated by Mrs. Horace Mann Boston:1887 abridged here by Johannes Froebel-Parker (America)
"The destiny of nations lies far more in the hands of women-the mothers-than in the possessors of power, or those of innovators who for the most part do not understand themselves. We must cultivate women, who are the educators of the human race, else the new generation cannot accomplish its task."
A century later, Alice Miller in For Your Own Good, echoed simliar sentiments when she offered a hypothesis about the influence of generations of brutal child-rearing practices on the German people. Miller however, included the impact of the father on the child's development.
The ideas of both authors are consistent with the prinicples of child guidance advocated by Alfred Adler and Alexander Mueller.